Thursday, August 6, 2009

Booking Through Thursday (1)

What’s the most serious book you’ve read recently?

Hmm...I had to think about what I considered a "serious" book. I thought about Perfect Chemistry because diversity is serious to me. Then I thought about Jellicoe Road because losing your mother is also very serious. But I think I'm going to choose The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson because I wasn't comfortable when I ended the book. There was no happy ending resolve.

Biomedical engineering is such a controversial issue. When is it okay? Is it okay when you're about to lose someone you love? Or is it never okay? Is someone who loses most of their brain still the same person after they're engineered? Do you still have a soul? Where is the soul located? I found myself asking all these questions after I finished the book.

I asked my mom and my boyfriend if they were about to lose me would they go through all of that trouble just to save a certain percent of me. They both said absolutely. My mom said she didn't care what she had to do, that she would never let me die.

What would you do?


Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

Those do sound serious. Here is mine

jlshall said...

Sounds like an intriguing book. And yes, that's a very serious and perplexing subject. It's obviously a book that makes you think.

Susan said...

Those sound like some seriously good books :) Here's my response.

Diana Dang said...

That is something controversial. I honestly don't know.

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